Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Time to Relax

After a long day of work (for me) and a long day of eating and sleeping (for Adele - apparently it is very tiresome), we decided that we needed to sit down and watch some T.V.

Here I'm explaining the complexities of 24 and why Jack Bauer kicks butt.

Here is Adele explaining to me that if people would just let Jack do what Jack does, then it would be called 12.

Tonight is the basketball game, maybe she'll like watching that too.


MarS VasqueZ said...

so damn cute. I love it.

PS: But Jack Bauer still sucks.

PSS: Bring it! cause I can hear you right now!

Alicia said...

Seems like you´ve found a perfect partner to share Jack´s adventures with. You know, she´s right about the 12 hours. The pictures are adorable.

Jenna Marie said...

Those pics are way cute! She looks like a little doll or something.

Jenna Marie said...

Those pics are way cute! She looks like a little doll or something.

Elsa's Mom said...

Jenna, do you think she looks like a doll or something?

Shai said...

You and your 24! No wonder she looks bored out of her mind! I hope you guys are coming down this weekend cuz I really really want to see the baby!!!!