Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I Bet You Can't Eat That or That or That...

So, everyone at my job threw in a dollar and bet me that I couldn't eat a bag of Lemonheads in an hour...without water. You might be thinking, "An hour for a bag of Lemonheads?! That would be easy!". That was my reaction too. I thought that this would be the easiest money I ever made.

I got about 20 Lemonheads down and realized that this might be difficult. So I decided that chewing them was taking too much time (not to mention it was making my tongue raw) so I decided to swallow them whole. That wasn't such a good idea because they are just big enough to get stuck going down. I stopped doing this after one of them almost made me throw up.

The picture was taken after I had eaten about 50 of them. I ate about 40 more before throwing in the towel. I didn't feel so good and knew that if I kept eating, I would definitely throw up. I was sweating, my tongue hurt like crazy, and my stomach was not liking what I was doing to it.

My co-workers have decided that this was quite fun for them so they have decided that Tuesdays will become "what will Ryan eat" days. They are already taking ideas for what next Tuesday will bring.

I figure that it should only take me 3-4 years of eating weird stuff on Tuesdays before I can save enough to get my motorcycle.


Zaissa said...

You'll quit the first day they propose you eat an entire salad.

MarS VasqueZ said...

Or sour cream, or tomatoes, or onions or strawberries which may I add are quite delicious.

Tiffy Ann said...

You would try to eat a whole bag of lemonheads. You are so incredibly crazy.

Shai said...

You are one crazy man! But I guess everyone needs that one crazy friend that they can get to do whatever they want! Oh entertainment!

jgriego said...

I need to know how much money was involved before I support your decision to quit. Oh, don't eat nickles. They make you go blind.

Ryan said...

It was only $10. But they gave me half of it for eating over half the bag.

Still not worth it.