Friday, January 04, 2008

Lean, Mean....Out of Shape

I’ve come to a sad realization…I’m old, and out of shape.

I’ve been saying that I was out of shape for months, maybe even years but I don’t think I really believed how out of shape I really am. It’s best way I can describe it is when a really hot chick keeps telling people that she’s ugly, but you KNOW that she knows that she’s hot. Except it’s backwards for me, I said I was out of shape but didn’t really BELIEVE that I was out of shape.

What can I say….sometimes I’m an idiot. I guess I didn’t realize that years of extreme web and channel surfing coupled with countless hours of computer and xbox gaming would make my muscles regress into a state of severe atrophy.

So, with the support of a friend of mine, I’m now going to the gym again. Although I might not go for another couple days to allow my body the time to recover from my recent workout. It’s not a New Year’s Resolution, it’s just a ‘better my life’ resolution. I think it’s very important for a person to be able to walk up a flight of stairs without being completely winded.

Hopefully this will work for me. At the very least, I’m going to the gym at least once a week. I hope to make it 3 times a week. And if I’m feeling especially ambitious, I might even start going every day. (Don’t worry about that though; I’m not much of an overachiever.)

So the next time you see me, I’ll be a lean, muscular, in-shape person.

But just in case I haven’t done as well as I thought I would do, let’s not talk about it, ok?


Tiffy Ann said...

You go Brother!!! Can't wait to see that new lean, mean, muscular body. :)

Anonymous said...

You've always look great in my eye.

Tiffy Ann said...

Cicely--if your eye see's him looking great, what does the other eye see???

Anonymous said...

Well, the other eye is severely distracted by other things. Possibly a sprakly, girating object.

Lucy said...

muy bien , te quejas de estar viejo, y no paras de hacer deporte, ¿ tu viejo? !!!!tio bueno!!!! no pretenderas estar como a los 15 años, creo que ahora estas mejor

Lucy said...

muy bien , te quejas de estar viejo, y no paras de hacer deporte, ¿ tu viejo? !!!!tio bueno!!!! no pretenderas estar como a los 15 años, creo que ahora estas mejor