Thursday, October 12, 2006

Who are you?

I was thinking how people have different perceptions of the same person. And no matter what you do, you ARE that person to them.
I have some friends that think I'm the meanest son-of-a-bitch in the world. They think that at any time, I'll snap and just start destroying people. But to A, I'm the nicest person in the world.
I know that a lot of this has to do with how you would like to be perceived. And some of it is situational. But if you would like to change who you are for these people, it's impossible. There is no way that you will be able to be a different person. I could become the Pope and if my friends came to visit me, they'd expect me to flip out on an idiotic Cardinal and want to beat the crap out of him.
I don't mind this anymore. In fact, I've embraced the roles that people expect of me. It actually makes life a little more fun since I have to be on my toes and become a different actor according to who I'm hanging out with.
I'll just stay real to A. She's the only one who I want to show the 'real me' to anyway.

Friday, September 01, 2006


I was having a conversation with A the other day about how much information is OK to include in a blog or a profile online. I don't think it's that big of a deal to include names and places. What's the difference if you include the place you live and your name in a blog from the same information in a book that can be bought from Barnes & Nobles? For the most part, I believe the online world is pretty civil and responsible. Maybe that's a naive view that I have but I like to think that people are still good. Although I do see A's point that you can't be too careful nowadays. I don't really know what the right answer is, I suppose it depends on your experiences in life....

but for me, it won't really make a difference. I'm not counting on a lot of people coming across anything I write or say.